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Candidate Experience: Erstes zeitversetztes Videointerview


Oft werden wir gefragt: “Wollen die Bewerber denn so ein zeitversetztes Videointerview überhaupt machen? Finden die das nicht sehr unpersönlich?” Wir haben – sonst wären wir nicht viasto – eine Studie dazu gemacht. Wenn Sie sich also für die Bewerberperspektive auf klassische und moderne Recruiting Methoden interessieren, lesen Sie gerne unser Whitepaper zu Candidate Experience.

Allerdings sagt auch manchmal ein ausführlicher Erfahrungsbericht mehr aus als Zahlen und Statistiken. Aus diesem Grund haben wir bereits vor einiger Zeit unsere (ehemalige) Bewerberin Mallory gebeten, detailliert ihre Eindrücke der interview suite als Kandidatin hier aufzuschreiben. Da dies viel Anklang fand, folgt hier nun ein weiterer Erfahrungsbericht einer Nutzerin der interview suite auf Kandidatenseite. Diesmal von Jenny, die seit Kurzem das Marketingteam tatkräftig unterstützt. Jenny, la parole est à toi!

Hey, I am Jenny and doing an internship in Marketing at viasto. I’d like to share my video interviewing experience with you because I know that this way of interviewing is not something that candidates experience every day… Normally when you get invited for an interview for a company that you have applied at, the usual telephone or live video interview is normally what you would expect. As part of my Bachelor of International Management I decided to apply at viasto for a Marketing internship and was thereafter invited to participate in an asynchronous video interview.

During this period, exams and projects were in full swing, among other things; so I realized that the initial benefit was that I could complete the interview whenever it fitted into my schedule (of course within the time span I was given).

The journey begins… and is quite easy, actually

The login details were assigned to me and I was ready to go. I was quite relaxed because I knew that I would not have to immediately face my evaluators. First I was given an introduction to viasto as well as information about what would be required of me throughout the interview. Next a test was carried out for the sound and video quality to make sure everything worked. Before I decided to start the actual interview, it was especially helpful that I could do some test videos offering a test question to understand the timing and structure of what lay ahead of me.

Then I started the interview and was guided step by step through a relatively short process consisting of 5 questions about my motivation, my experience and skills. I had some time to prepare each answer allowing me to be structured and precise.

In the last question I was asked to give feedback on what I thought of the video interview experience as well as any suggestions of what I think could be improved. This was interesting as the tables turned and an interest for my opinion for viasto’s product was shown. This is rarely asked of in the first interview as not much time is available and I appreciated that my feedback was considered. For every potential candidate reading this blog post, I would like to share some tips…

Tips for breezing through the interview

  • Keep calm and collected: There is nothing scary to that kind of interview. The important thing is to be prepared: You should know why you are applying at that company. And why you are interested in that particular job.
  • Don’t focus too much on the time you have: If you pay too much attention on this, you probably won’t deliver to the best of your abilities as your efforts will be to make it within the time restrictions. Try to focus on what you are going to say.
  • Make brief and structured notes for preparing: Before you begin the interview, jot down some facts on yourself such as the typical strengths and weaknesses so you have something readily usable, should that maybe come up during the interview.
  • Make sure your room mates will not come in and disturb you during your interview. Your mobile phone should be put on “silent” as well.

Overall, the experience of participating in an asynchronous video interview was very interesting and a real change from the typical phone conversations that I had in the past, as a first interest point from the employer. I knew that this was a very first step in the process and that, if I was successful in the video interview, I was going to be invited to a personal interview. Not only that, but the flexibility in the time given to complete the interview rather than having it fixed was a real bonus.

Asynchronous video interviewing looks to become an integral part of the recruitment process for many corporations and businesses around the world, and especially for cases when recruiting internationally in regards to time zones for example. It is most likely that your next employment interview is also going to be an asynchronous video one. I hope my advice will be useful then 🙂

Do not hesitate to ask me questions

Regards, Jenny

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